Xavier University School of Medicine and Felician University Announce Affiliation

Xavier University School of Medicine and Felician University have announced an affiliation that will provide eligible Felician students to enter Xavier University School of Medicine’s Doctor of Medicine program upon graduation.
The agreement will give Felician University graduates who meet Xavier’s requirements and prerequisites direct access to Xavier’s admissions process. Eligible Felician pre-med students can enter in any of Xavier’s 3 terms – January, May, or September – provided they have met all graduation requirements of Felician and the requirements for admission to Xavier.
“We are very excited to work with Felician University, Sr. Honorata Grzeszczuk, Dr. Jose Montalvo and the students and faculty of the Felician University School of Arts & Sciences,” said Ravi Bhooplapur, President of Xavier University Aruba. “This partnership will provide Felician students a direct pathway to medical school and allow them an opportunity to reach their goal of becoming a doctor.”
In addition, Felician students accepted into Xavier’s Doctor of Medicine degree program are automatically qualified to receive the Dean’s scholarship, one of fifteen scholarships and grants that students are eligible to receive. They also can qualify for additional scholarships if they meet the criteria.
“Felician University’s vision is to help our students achieve their career goals while staying true to our school’s mission to instill in our students the following: respect for human dignity, compassion, solidarity with people in need, transformation, and peace and justice,” said Dr. Jose Montalvo, Professor and Pre-Med Advisor at Felician University. “Our dedicated faculty recently added state of the art STEM Labs and our support staff provide our students with a great education. However, acceptance into medical schools continues to be a challenge for our underserved community students and we are happy to provide our Felician University students with an opportunity, through this articulation with Xavier University School of Medicine, to enter medical school and achieve their goal of becoming a physician.”
Xavier University is fully-accredited by the Accreditation Commission of Colleges of Medicine (ACCM). The United States Department of Education, through the National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation (NCFMEA), reviews the standards that countries use to accredit medical schools. The NCFMEA has determined that the ACCM’s accreditation standards are comparable to those set by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), which accredits medical education programs in the United States.
For more information, visit XUSOM.com.